"end of life" - drowning
claire: "does it ever feel like you're drowning in life?"
noir: "like you've got too much to do and can't keep up?"
claire: "yeah. what do you think about that?"
noir: "maybe you've just reached your end of life date. like orange juice past it's expiration date."

"endless rain" - tears
noir: " hey claire, you're bleeding. need a bandaid?"
claire: "nah, i'm not bleeding. my body is just crying tears of blood. but yeah, can you get me one?"
noir pauses for a minute to think about it while she grabs a bandaid.
noir: "alright then. uh, hey, have you ever started crying for no reason and then couldn't stop?"
claire: "yeah, sure. tons of times. but have you ever felt like crying but couldn't?"
"birthday cake" - happiness
claire: "what does it mean to be happy?"
noir: "asking the big questions, i see. let me ask you a question then. what if a machine could tell you everything you needed to do to be happy? would you use it?"
claire: "just like that? do what the machine says and i'll be perfectly content?"
noir: "yeah, just like that."
claire: "then no. part of the fun is finding out along the way."
"singular" - lonely
claire: "hey noir, have you ever felt lonely?"
noir: "you know the answer to that, of course I have."
claire: "no, i mean like when you're surrounded by friends and love has wrapped around you like a blanket, but you still feel completely isolated."
noir: "oh, that kind of loneliness. of course I have. i don't even know where i fit in."
claire: "maybe we can be misfits together then."
"pass-through" - death (off-white)
noir: "gotcha!"
claire: "well, guess i'm dead then."
a moment of silence
noir: "hey claire, what does it mean to die?"
claire: "i guess death means losing something."
noir: "but how are we able to let go of anything we love in the first place?"
claire: "we don't, noir. it gets pried from our hands."
"eyes" - throwing signs
noir: "how do you tell if someone's throwing signs at you?"
claire: "like, i'm interested in you vibes?"
noir: "heck, just any kind of sign."
claire: "it's all in the eyes. one pair of eyes, unlimited expressions."
noir: "then what do my eyes say right now?"
claire: "that you're crazy. or rather, that you think i'm off my rocker."
"fly me to the moon" - love
noir: "claire, do you love me?"
claire: "of course i do. you know that already."
noir: "but what does love mean? how come there's so many different kinds? when you say you love me, what kind of love are you talking about?"
claire: "would love really be that amazing if it were that simple to understand? i'd rather drown in a boundless sea of love than a puddle's worth on a rainy day. Some things were just never meant to be simple."
noir: "i think i'd rather drown in sleep right now."
"throw me to the stars" - dreams
claire: "whatcha thinking about, noir?"
noir: "i was wondering about my future. what i want to do, where i want to be. do you know what your plan is?"
claire: "my thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations. my dreams lie beyond that infinity."
noir: "you could have just said that you have no idea."
claire: "that's boring. besides, my dreams are that precious to me. my life is full of dreams, just let me enjoy them. look at kiki, he's perfectly content as he is. that's me."
noir: "alright, spacegirl."

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